Tuesday, June 18, 2013

An open letter to Senators Jeff Klein, Diane Savino and Dean Skelos

Dear Senators:

I admit I am a busy activist for several issues. I care about health care, the environment, equality, poverty, and more. You probably hear from me a lot during the year in relation to actions I have taken my several organizations urging you to vote yes or no on different proposals. You likely hear from hundreds of thousands of New Yorkers, so I highly doubt you remember my comments. I still send them to you.

I apologize for the length of this note. However, your inaction leaves a lot of issues unresolved.

This year, you all have the opportunity to really make a difference for a lot of New Yorkers. There are several legislative proposals on which the Senate has not yet taken action. For some, these proposals could me life or death. So I am urging you to put your differences aside, face your fears, and let the Senate vote on them. I could just quote this, but I have more to say. Below is a list of some of the proposals on which I urge you to act:

Hydraulic Fracking Moratorium (S4236A): This is important. We know there have been fracking problems in other parts of the country. We are not sure how to prevent these problems should drilling begin in our state.  The health impact assessment being proposed is consistent with the CDC's best practices, unlike other studies underway or being proposed. 

Your public statements say you are waiting for action from Governor Cuomo. You need to take a stand and protect New Yorkers. If drilling begins and there are problems, it will be on you. You have the chance to put a halt to drilling until we have all the facts. Protect our water, protect our health. Make it happen. Vote.

Gender Expression Non-Discrimination Act (S.195 ): Transgender, gender queer, and individuals perceived to be, face daunting, categorical discrimination statewide. Not only are these individuals face with everyday violence, but they face discrimination in housing, employment and other public accommodations.

Every New Yorker deserves the dignity and full opportunity that allows them to be full participants in their community and to live to their ful potential. It's a people thing. Make it happen. Vote.

Women's Equality Agenda (Governor's Program Bill #9): This legislation contains 10 provisions which would protect and advance equality for women in New York State. It includes provisions impacting reproductive health, pay equity, sexual harassment, domestic violence, sexual assault, credit and housing discrimination, pregnancy discrimination, human trafficking laws, and more. This is an excellent, comprehensive package that will really make a difference in the lives of women and their families. 

You made public statements noting you will not vote on it because of an abortion provision. I do not buy it. If you do not like the abortion provision, do not vote for it. Either way, make it happen. Vote.

New York Dream Act (S2378): Children brought to New York who are undocumented are not at fault for their status. They grow up in New York State and should have the same access to opportunity that I have. They deserve access to higher education and financial aid so they too can fulfill their potential.

I know Dreamers cannot vote, and maybe that is what holds you back from action. I appreciate that you put voters first. However, these individuals work hard and can make a difference in our communities, if you just give them a chance.  Make it happen. Vote.

Comprehensive Campaign Finance Reform (S4705): Most importantly, and something that no doubt impacts all of these measures, I support fair elections legislation. I can see how one might believe that the above measures are being held up because of special interest donations from big lobbyists, big business, and wealthy individuals with a stake. ALL New Yorkers have a stake and the amount of money one can contribute to your campaign should not have an impact on how much power they hold over you.

It is bout time you are able to legislate and not have to spend so much time fundraising. Sure, the events can be fun, and it makes you feel important and special. But aren't you tire of it all yet? Don't you wish you could go home and not have to go to three events before dinner? Make it happen. Get it done. Vote.

I support all these measures 1000 percent. Why? Because I believe that equality and justice are not something for which one must ask, but it is required and must be protected. Every New Yorker deserves to be safe from harm, have equal opportunity to achieve one's full potential, have autonomy to make informed health decisions, and know that their interests are being equally protected by the State. All these measures do that.

At the very least, New Yorkers deserve to know where their elected officials stand on this issue. Regardless of whether or not the measures can pass with a majority vote, legislators should have the opportunity to vote their conscience. If they fail, we know the opposition is stronger. If they succeed it should be on their merits.

So I urge you to take a true step in governing and allow votes on these proposals before the end of the legislative session this week.